Night Rating and IR(R) Rating
Complete a Night Rating & IR(R) Rating with ACS Flight Training at Perth Airport

IR(R) Instrument Rating (Restricted), formerly known as the UK IMC Rating
The IMC rating (IRR) qualifies you to fly IFR in class D to G airspace, together with making instrument approaches down to a minimum of 500 feet. The course consists of 15 hours of dual instruction, a written exam and a flight test. Instruction includes: Instrument flying (full and limited panel), Unusual attitude recoveries, Instrument approaches (ILS, NDB, VOR, SRA, RNAV and Radio Navigation
Validity is for 25 months and requires a test to revalidate.
The IMC rating is recorded on your licence as an IR(R) – Instrument Rating (Restricted) – or if you maintain your CAA licence, it remains as an IMC. Please note that the rating cannot be added to a LAPL, it is also only recognized within UK airspace.
Applicants must hold a PPL with 25 hours after qualifying of which 10 as PIC and 5 cross country. A night rating is required if the IR(R) is to be valid at night. There are no additional medical requirements.
The privilege of the IR(R) is to fly under IFR and in IMC in UK airspace. This applies to all classes of airspace except A, B and C (thus excluding IFR airways) but does include instrument approach procedures. Flights are unlikely to require filed IFR flight plans and are often conducted outside controlled airspace.
Night Rating Training

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